A previous release of TASverter introduced a “STEP-TAS Viewer” that was rather cumbersome in that it required the user to cut and paste the address of an internal web server into their normal web browser.
TASverter now provides a Viewer / html writer that creates a standalone html file and will try to open that file in the user’s normal browser.
You may need to click the “Stop/Ctrl-C” button afterwards to return control to the TASverterGUI.
VIEWER html writer
Activation of the VIEWER html writer
The VIEWER html writer module is activated on the command line using:
When the TASverterGUI is used, the source file must be a STEP-TAS file representing a GMM, the “Model Type” of the source file must be set to “STEP-TAS stp”, and the “Model Type” of the target file must be set to “VIEWER html”.