SINDA/Fluint .inp TMM

TASverter now has a “TMMverter” module which allows for the exchange of thermal network models between ESATAN .d and SINDA/Fluint .inp formats.

TMMverter assumes that the network models are “straightforward” so some work may be needed to simplify any complex user logic and output code prior to conversion.

Conversion is from one thermal network format to another, i.e. you can only convert from TMM to TMM, and not from GMM to TMM!

SINDA/Fluint .inp TMM reader module

Activation of the SINDA/Fluint .inp TMM reader

The SINDA/Fluint .inp TMM reader module is activated on the command line using:


When the TASverterGUI is used, the “Model Type” of the source file must be set to “SINDAF TMM user logic”.

Activation of SINDAF TMM reader via the GUI

SINDA/Fluint TMM writer module

Activation of the SINDA/Fluint .inp TMM writer

The SINDA/Fluint .inp TMM writer module is activated on the command line using:


When the TASverterGUI is used, the “Model Type” of the target file must be set to “SINDAF TMM user logic”.

Activation of SINDAF TMM writer via the GUI