Puck Tool

PUCK tool: Parameter estimation and postprocessing tool for composite failure mechanism


Jörg Hohe
Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM

Simon Appel
ATG Europe B.V. for the European Space Agency (TEC-MSS)


In engineering practice, the barrier for the application of a superior, mode based, failure model like for example the Puck Criterion is still quite large compared to simpler phenomenological models like the Tsai-Wu criterion. The reasons being that the latter is often applicable as a user sub-routine in finite element codes and since the related experimental data naturally shows a large scatter, a robust routine for the parameter estimation is needed to exploit the advantages of a more sophisticated failure mode based model.
The puck tool is developed under the ESA GSTP program and is free to use numerical tool for all organizations within ESA member states. The tool helps to overcome the aforementioned barriers and facilitates the application of Puck’s Failure criterion for structural integrity analysis. The tool offers two modules: the first helping with the parameter estimation and determination of the related confidence intervals, the second module performing a structural integrity analysis by post processing FE stress data obtained from MSC Nastran analyses.
The latter giving both,the critical failure location and the leading failure mode which are important information for a design optimization.

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Any feedback, comments or suggestions for future work relating to this tool are much appreciated. Correspondence can be sent to the contact addresses at the top of this page and we will try to reply to you swiftly.

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		The subject material was produced under an internal project of the European Space Agency. Therefore it is freely available to organisations and individuals located in one of the Agency's member or cooperating states according to the criteria set out in Article II (3) of Annex V of the European Space Agency Convention [*].

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		Warranty and Disclaimer of Warranty. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the correctness of these tools, they are provided "AS IS" and WITHOUT WARRANTY, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY OF THIS SOFTWARE IS WITH THE USER.  

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